Wallpapers tagged with "otter"
European river otter, Lelystad, Netherlands
Little otter cuddling
Eurasian otter in Shetland, Scotland
Sea otters in Alaska’s Inside Passage
Sea otter with pup, Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA
North American river otters in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Sea otter
Sea otter mother and pup, Monterey Bay, California, USA
Sea otter mother and newborn pup in Monterey Bay, California
Adolescent European otters, Loch Spelve, Isle of Mull, Scotland
Sea otter pup, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Sea otters in Prince William Sound, Alaska
Sea otter, Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA
North American beaver in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska
Alpine marmots in Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria
Galápagos sea lion and pup, Rábida Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
European otter near Lelystad, Netherlands
Baby hedgehog
Baby Eurasian beavers, Finland
Hoary marmot in Denali National Park, Alaska