Wallpapers tagged with "marine%20biology"
Scalefin anthias in the Red Sea at Ras Mohammed National Park in Egypt
Magnificent sea anemone with black-finned clownfish
A leafy seadragon in the waters off Wool Bay, Australia
A coral reef in the Red Sea near Egypt
Oyster farm offshore from Notojima Island, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan
Fire urchins (aka red urchins) in Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Golden trevally swim with a whale shark in Cenderawasih Bay, Indonesia
Piraputanga schooling in the Cerrado, Brazil
Bluestriped fangblenny in the Indian Ocean
Green sea turtle, Maui, Hawaii
Green sea turtle being cleaned by reef fish off the Kona Coast, Big Island, Hawaii
Sea anemone off the coast of Thailand
Biorock artificial reef off the Gili Islands, Indonesia
Phyllidia coelestis, a sea slug
Blue shark near the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores, North Atlantic Ocean
Cape gannet diving for fish off Port St. Johns, Wild Coast, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Lionfish swimming off the coast of Indonesia
Halfmoon fish in a kelp forest offshore from San Diego, California
Crescent-tail bigeye fish in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
European barracuda and bluefish circling a bait ball of Atlantic horse mackerel off the shore of the Formigas Islets, Azores
Potato cod off the western coast of Australia
Fish swimming near the Aquarius Reef Base in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
California sea lions off Anacapa Island, Channel Islands National Park, California
A green sea turtle swims in the Pacific Ocean near the French overseas territory of New Caledonia
Spot-fin porcupinefish near Hawaii
School of Pseudanthias squamipinnis swimming over coral, Mayotte, Indian Ocean
Emperor penguins in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
West Indian manatees in the Crystal River, Florida, USA
Clownfish, Bali, Indonesia
Pink skunk clownfish and magnificent sea anemone in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
West Indian manatee mom and baby at Three Sisters Springs, Florida
Sperm whale off the coast of the Azores, Portugal
Upside-down jellyfish in Jardines de la Reina National Park, Cuba
Humpback whale
Atlantic spotted dolphins and bubble ring in Little Bahama Bank, Bahamas
Young humpback whale giving its mother a hug off the coast of the Tongan archipelago