Wallpapers tagged with "paw"

"Japanese macaques entering hot springs"
"Japanese macaques entering hot springs"
Gray seal mother and her cub on a beach in Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Gray seal mother and her cub on a beach in Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Grey seal pup on the beach of Norfolk, England
Grey seal pup on the beach of Norfolk, England
A lion sleeping in Ishasha Sector, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda
A lion sleeping in Ishasha Sector, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda
Black grouse males in Kuusamo, Finland
Black grouse males in Kuusamo, Finland
Burchell's zebras, Rietvlei Nature Reserve, South Africa
Burchell's zebras, Rietvlei Nature Reserve, South Africa
Muskox mother and calf in Dovre-Sunndalsfjella National Park, Norway
Muskox mother and calf in Dovre-Sunndalsfjella National Park, Norway
Pygmy three-toed sloth baby, Isla Escudo de Veraguas, Panama
Pygmy three-toed sloth baby, Isla Escudo de Veraguas, Panama
Polar bear cubs playing in Kaktovik, Alaska
Polar bear cubs playing in Kaktovik, Alaska